The C-level course in English builds on the background acquired during previous studies of English as an academic discipline. The Written Proficiency course maintains the emphasis on grammatical correctness, while also giving more attention to questions of form and style. Sociolinguistic Variation examines different kinds of variation mechanisms in contemporary English. The Text course ("Telling stories") focuses on the human need for telling stories (or mythmaking) and analyses the ways in which different kinds of language (in official documents, in literary fiction and other art forms) communicate their meaning. The course includes extracts from the Bible, Victorian poetry and painting, detective stories, novels, feature films, modern drama and official government reports. It examines the boundary between fact and fiction and between stories of public history and private memory. The distinguishing feature of the C-level course, however, is the Research Essay, a supervised independent project which occupies half the credits on the course. For their research essay subject, students can choose a literary or a linguistic specialisation. Subcourses and credits:C-31: Written Proficiency (2 credits) READING LIST Spring 2002It is important that you have the required literature before your course units begin and that you get the editions specified on this list. All obligatory course books (marked
with an asterisk *) have been ordered on your behalf at the University
of Sussex bookshop and should be bought there at the beginning of the
Other titles are recommended for self-instruction and reference. Titles marked (Sx) are available in the University of Sussex bookshop. The bookshop also accepts orders for other titles.
Recommended for self-instruction: (Sx) J. Svartvik & O. Sager, Engelsk
universitetsgrammatik (second edition) (Liber/Almqvist & Wiksell)
Literary Specialisation* Bonnie Klomp Stevens and Larry L. Stewart, A Guide to Literary Criticism and Research 3rd ed. (Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch) Linguistic SpecialisationCopied material will be provided by your supervisor Recommended for self-instruction: (Sx) Lennart Björk & Christine Räisänen, Academic Writing: A University Writing Course (Studentlitteratur)
* Janet Holmes, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Extracts from The Bible (photocopies) (The texts are read in this order) Where indicated, photocopies will be provided of some of the above texts at the beginning of term. Examples of reference books (all available in the University of Sussex bookshop): S. Hargevik & M. Stevens, English
Synonyms and False Friends(Gleerups) Further information concerning reference books is given at the beginning of term. Content by Ulf Dantanus - Designed by Noah Hearle - 12/10/01 |