This information is specifically intended for students preparing to attend the Gothenburg University programme at the University of Sussex at Brighton. The information is updated regularly, but please remember that some details (e.g. prices) are liable to change. For general information about Brighton and Sussex see Links.
NoteNote that the dialling code for Brighton (Swedish "riktnummer") is 01273. You can dial Brighton from Sweden at any time by dialling 0044 and then 1273 plus the number you want. Do not use the dialling code when phoning locally in Brighton. For all contact information, please go here. Useful Telephone Numbers Brighton Police Station: John Street, Brighton
Tel: 0845-6070999. ACCOMMODATION AGENCIESBrighton Accommodation, 23 Richmond Place,
Brighton. Tel: 696121 or 607891 The above are just a few of the many agencies used by previous students to find rooms, flats or houses. If you go to the Norfolk Square area of Western Road (on the Brighton/Hove border) there are at least another six letting agencies which could help you. When making your own independent arrangements to rent furnished accommodation, you should be aware that rents can be quite high and most landlords will demand a deposit sum for breakages etc. (for a large flat or house this may be as much as £200, which will be returned if you leave the place in a satisfactory condition). You will normally have to pay a period of rent in advance (usually 1 month). You are often asked to show proof of your student loan as a financial reference (or perhaps a bank statement) and they may require a confirmation letter from the Gothenburg school office in Brighton that you are studying here. Gas heating and electricity are more expensive than in Sweden. Find out whether these costs are included in your rent or not. An alternative way of finding rented accommodation is to consult the local newspaper, 'The Argus'. Every Monday there is a special supplement where accommodation agencies advertise the properties they have available to rent. On other days, private landlords advertise under 'Accommodation to Let' or 'Houses and flats to Rent'. It is also possible to request the current housing list of rooms/houses/flats to let in the private sector in the Brighton, Hove and Lewes area (updated every Wednesday) from the Housing Office in Bramber House at the University of Sussex. Please note that accommodation managed by the University of Sussex (on campus or in town) is generally only available to University of Sussex first-year students on a yearly basis (not to Gothenburg students). Notes If you receive a bill for local Council Tax, see the School Office for a letter which will entitle you to 100% exemption. Private accommodation cannot really be arranged until you are in Brighton. You need to visit agencies and view the accommodation available in person. Students tend to stay in temporary/short term accommodation (see below) while looking for somewhere more permanent. Temporary/short term accommodation is available at, for instance: Abbey Hotel, 14/19 Norfolk Terrace, Brighton.
Tel 778771. £70 single room per week (weekly rate only). Family accommodationThe English Language Centre Hospitality Department 33 Palmeira Mansions Hove BN3 2GB (Toni Harrison/Julia Smith) Tel: 1273/721771. Fax: 1273/720898 BanksOpen Monday-Friday from 09.30-16.30. Most banks open their main branches in central Brighton on Saturday mornings. We usually recommend that you open an account at a bank in Brighton or Hove. This will make it easier to manage your finances during your stay in England. Once you have put money in your account, you have a choice of withdrawing money by cheque, or with a cash card provided by the bank. If you choose not to open an account here, it is still possible to withdraw money from your Swedish account via most major banks, either over the counter or from their cash dispensers, with most major European credit or debit cards, particularly Visa or Mastercard. Please note, however, that most banks charge extra for this service. It has unfortunately become increasingly difficult to open an account in an English bank for students who spend less than one year in England. We therefore recommend that you consult your own bank in Sweden for advice on how to manage your finances while in England. Further advice will be given at the start of the course. £1 (one pound) is approximately 13.90 Skr. (December 00) 100 Skr. = approximately £7.20. BOOKSHOPSUniversity Bookshop, Bramber House, University of Sussex. Tel: 678333. (Stocks the books you need for the course. Public House Bookshop, 21 Little Preston Street, Brighton. Tel: 328357. Practical Books, 14a Western Road, Hove. Tel: 734602. Blackwell's, 11 Bond Street, Brighton. Tel:329012. Borders, Churchill Square, Brighton. Tel: 731122. Waterstones, 71 North Street, Brighton. Tel:206017. Waterstones Bookshop, 55/56 North Street, Brighton. Tel: 327867. W.H. Smith, 69 Churchill Square, Brighton. Tel: 324146, and 15/16 George Street Hove. Tel:204357. Sussex Stationers: 55-56 East Street, Brighton. Tel: 328288 37-37a London Road, Brighton. Tel: 691626 51-52 George Street, Hove. Tel: 329241 English Language Bookshop, 11 Dorset Street, Brighton. Tel: 604864. The city of BRIGHTON AND HOVEBrighton and Hove used to be two separate towns under two separate borough councils. On 1 April 1997 the towns were joined together under one unitary authority. The towns were awarded city status in December 2000. Brighton - population 142,000 Up to the 18th century Brighton was the fishing village of Brightelmstone. It was the Prince Regent (later King George IV) who brought the court to Brighton to relax, thus turning the place into a fashionable bathing resort. Much of the best architecture in Brighton (the "Regency terraces" for example) is from this period, around the beginning of the 19th century. Hove - population 90,700 There is no visible break between Brighton and Hove; the two towns merge into one another completely, making a built-up area of about a quarter of a million inhabitants altogether. CAR HIRE (self-drive)If you have a driving licence you are entitled to drive in Britain. Consult the 'Yellow Pages' of the telephone directory. You may find a lot of garages expect you to be over 25 years old, so you will have to shop around. Every driver must be sure to take out full motor insurance with the car hire company to drive in England - your basic Swedish insurance will not be sufficient. CHEMISTSSome useful chemist shops are: Ashton's, 98 Dyke Road, Brighton. Tel: 325020
(open every day to 22.00) CINEMASThere are three main film centres in Brighton. The Duke of Yorks Cinema, Preston Circus, Brighton, tel. 602503, offers a programme of alternative/arts films. In Sussex University term time, the Gardner Arts Centre on campus has a regular programme of popular films. Cinemas open generally at 13.00 and continue until about 23.00. The programme is usually about two and a half hours long, with refreshments on sale. All cinemas in the Brighton area now operate a No Smoking rule within the auditoriums. To find out what's on, view the online Student newspaper, the badger. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTBritain has 240 volt V.A.C. (alternating current - Swedish "växelström"). British wall-plugs are different from Swedish, having usually three holes instead of the Swedish two. The two holes which carry the electric current are blocked (a safety precaution for children). Adapter plugs can and should be bought from a supermarket or an electrical or hardware shop. LIBRARIESUniversity of Sussex Library: Tel: 678163 Term time Mon-Thurs 0900-2130 Vacations Mon-Fri * 0900-1730 Brighton Central Library, Tel: 290800. Hove Library, Tel: 290700. Church
Road, Hove. MAPSGood maps of this area (available in bookshops) are: Ordnance Survey Maps: sheet 15 S.E. England MEDICAL SERVICEAn agreement exists between Sweden and Britain which entitles you to the full services of the British National Health Service. You should consult your host/hostess as soon as possible and ask if he/she will help you to become temporarily registered with their own doctor. Once registered with a doctor you must use him/her exclusively. You pay him/her nothing, but will have to pay £6.00 for each medicine he/she prescribes for you. If you need hospital or specialist treatment, your doctor will arrange this for you; it costs nothing. Those in alternative accommodation should use: Dr. Carter of St. Peter's Medical Centre, 30-36 Oxford Street, Brighton. Tel: 606006. When you phone or go to the surgery to make your appointment, please make sure you mention you are from Gothenburg University and Dr. Carter will see you. He will ask you to sign a consent form (for his use) to prove that he has seen you. If you are taken ill while on the University campus you can visit the University Health Centre behind Bramber House, internal tel: 8192. Clinic opening hours: 0930-1200, and 1400-1630. If you are suddenly taken ill away from Brighton, then you may turn to any doctor or hospital. However, you must always use your own doctor if you can. Meningitis There has been a small number of highly publicised cases of meningitis (Sw. hjärnhinneinflammation) at British universities over the last few years. Young first-year students who move straight from home into shared accommodation with other young people seem to be a high-risk group. Older students seem to be able to build up resistance against the disease. Vaccination against meningitis (group C meningococcal) is available to all students at the University of Sussex Health Centre. For further information please visit their web site - click on Advice (under Contents) and then M for Meningitis. Further information will also be given at the beginning of the course. Dental services are available on the National Health but you must pay 75% of the cost of your treatment. MUSEUMSCentral Museum and Art Gallery, Church Road,
Brighton. MUSICBrighton has an active music tradition with its own symphony orchestra. For details of concerts see'The Argus' newspaper. NIGHTCLUBSThere are various different nightclubs and discos in Brighton which are open until late on various nights of the week. Some require visitors to be members, but see the local press (The Argus) for details. PLACES OF INTEREST IN AND AROUND BRIGHTONRoyal Pavilion, Old Steine, Brighton:
Preston Manor, London Road, Brighton: Lewes Castle, Lewes: Rottingdean Village:
Arundel Castle: POSTLetters and cards to Sweden (and all European Union countries) cost 36p. Stamps are usually only sold at Post Offices. The University Post Office is in Bramber House, and is open Mondays-Fridays 10.00-17.30. There is a postbox outside. PUBSOpen Weekdays: 1030-1430 and 1800-2300 RADIOThere are at present two local radio stations. 'BBC Southern Counties Radio' - 1485 k Hz/202 metres and 95.3/103.1 FM and the commercial stations 'Southern FM' - 103.4 FM (pop) and Surf 107, 107 FM (pop) RESTAURANTSThere are a number of places to eat on campus which offer a variety of menus. Brighton and Hove have an enormous selection of different restaurants: Try the Italian pizza/pasta houses which offer excellent value. SPORTING FACILITIESThe Sport Centre at the University of Sussex is run independently of the Student Union. You can join by registering at the Reception in the Sport Centre. Bring a recent photo. You pay £18.00 and get a membership card which will entitle you to student rates for all facilities. They include an excellent modern gymnasium, (indoors) badminton, tennis, basketball, volley-ball, squash, trampoline, table tennis; (outdoors) tennis, field games. Equipment can be hired. There is also a sauna and solarium. In addition: Riding at Pyecombe, near
Brighton STUDENT UNIONThe University of Sussex have their own Student Union and, if you want to join any of their clubs or societies, you will need to join as associated member for a small fee of £4. You can register at the Student Union Office in Falmer House, where they have a list of all Gothenburg University students. If you wish you can then become a member of the NUS (National Union of Students) which will entitle you to any student discount available. Membership is free and you can join through the Sussex Student Union (photo required). You cannot get an NUS card without first joining the Sussex Student Union. Please visit: www.ussu.net SWIMMING BATHSThere are heated indoor swimming baths at: TELEPHONEPublic Pay-phones - These have step by step instructions on how to operate them. There are two kinds of public pay-phones: Coin-operated (10p/20p/50p/£1) Phonecard-operated: this means you buy a Telecom ''Phonecard' to the value of £2/£4/£10/£20 and use it like a normal credit card in the special pay-phones designed for this. You can obtain these green cards from Brighton Station, Post Offices and many newsagents (including the one at the University) that advertise a green sticker in the window. You can dial Sweden automatically by using the code for Sweden: 0046 followed by the area code (riksnummer) minus the '0', and then the number you require, all in one go. Example: 031/123456 becomes 004631123456 Alternatively you can make a 'collect call' via the International operator (dial 155) who will ask the person you are calling to pay for the call. To call Sweden will cost you approx. £1.20 per minute (Mon-Fri 0800-2000) £1.00 per minute (at other times) To call Sweden from a private phone will cost you approx.29p per minute (Mon-Fri 0800-2000) 27p per minute (at other times) New easy way to make calls from private phones! There are various types of chargecard (available from some newsagents) which you can buy and then make calls using a freephone number which will deduct the cost of the calls from the value of your card. They can be used from any private 'phone (with permission of course!) or BT pay-phones. The call charges are higher than private 'phone rates, but sometimes cheaper than pay-phone rates. THEATRESTheatre Royal, New Road, Brighton. TIPSTaxi drivers should be tipped about 10% of the fare. Hairdressers appreciate a tip though it is not essential. In restaurants a service charge is often included in the bill. If it is not (and you can always check by asking "Is service included?") then add 10%. You don't tip in self-service restaurants or in pubs. TRANSPORTBus and trainsStudent Weekly This is a season ticket available to full members of the National Union of Students (see 'Student Union' on page 8) and is excellent value for bus travel only. Current price is £8.50 per week and you can buy the ticket from the driver on the bus on production of your NUS card. 3-monthly tickets are available from One-Stop Travel, Old Steine, Brighton, or the Post Office on campus; the price is £70. Using the Train 'Unizone' card This is available to full members of the National Union of Students (see under 'Student Union') and is the best option if you plan to travel by train only. It costs £7.80 per week £30 per month £89.80 per 3 months and gives you unlimited travel on the trains within the Brighton, Hove and Falmer zone, with no time restrictions. The Unizone card is available at Brighton Station and you need proof of membership of the National Union of Students. Young Persons Rail CardThis is a discount card for which you pay £18 (valid for 1 year). You pay the fare each time you travel but the card entitles you to approximately 33% reduction on all rail travel in England so this is especially good if you plan to travel around the country. There are however time restrictions on the reduced fares to Falmer. Current prices are as follows: After 1000 hrs £1.40 return (if you have the Young Persons Rail Card) Before 0900 hrs £3.10 return (no discount available) Between 0900-1000 hrs £2.00 return (no discount available) Application forms for the Young Persons Rail Card are available at all rail stations - you will need two passport size photos and proof of Student Union membership. Students of any age are entitled to these discount cards but, if you are aged over 25, the School Office will need to sign and stamp the application form. You can see that there are various options to help you save money on your travel expenses so remember to look into them carefully before you decide which is the best for your journey. Note: All the prices quoted in the travel section were correct at the time of publishing this information, but may be subject to increase. WEATHERSussex has a milder climate than most parts of Sweden. September should still be warm but it starts to get cooler in October, and November is the beginning of winter. Spring comes early but February can be cold. Remember too that central heating in English houses is not as good as in Sweden and warm sweaters can be necessary even indoors. |
Content by Ulf Dantanus - Designed by Noah Hearle - 5/30/01 |