English Department
at University of Sussex
Be there early (at least 10 minutes in advance) in order to be ready to start the examination at the appointed time. Late arrivals may have to wait until the exam has started and the invigilator is ready for you. If you arrive more than 20 minutes late you will not be able to do the exam.
Leave your coats, briefcases, bags etc. at the front or along the walls of the room before you sit down.
You may not use spare or rough paper of your own - plenty of paper is available in the examination room (except in the VOC/MCT test).
After the start of the examination all communication must go through the invigilator. You are not allowed to talk to each other once the exam has started.
Candidates wishing to leave the room must inquire with the invigilator before doing so. Only one person may leave the room at a time, and not for more than 5 minutes. You may not leave the exam room during the first twenty minutes or last half hour of the examination period.
Smoking is not allowed in the exam room.
Candidates who have finished their exam are required to leave the building as soon as it is possible. If you wish to wait for friends after you have finished, you must arrange this in advance, and at a rendezvous point away from the examination building.
Make sure your name and identity number are written at the top of all answer-sheets handed in.
You must be prepared to finish the examination at the appointed time and to follow all instructions given by the invigilator.
Finally, if you have a mobile phone with you, it must be left with your coat/bag and please ensure that it is switched off.