General Aim of the A-level Course in EnglishThe A-level course in English has a double aim: to promote practical language proficiency and to form the basis for further study in English language and literature. In addition to subcourses on written and oral proficiency (including written and oral presentation), the course includes theoretical aspects of phonetics and grammar, introductions to the cultures of the United Kingdom and the United States, aspects of literary analysis and interpretation in modern texts from different parts of the English-speaking world. The curriculum is based on the principle that the sophisticated practice of speaking, reading, and writing English requires knowledge about the structure of language as well as familiarity with a variety of cultural texts and contexts. Subcourses and credits
Reading List - Spring 2002It is important that you have the required literature before your course units begin and that you get the editions specified on this list. All obligatory course books (marked with an asterisk*) have been ordered on your behalf at the University of Sussex bookshop and should be bought there at the beginning of the course. Other titles on this list are recommended for self-instruction and reference. Titles preceded by (Sx) are available in the University of Sussex bookshop. The bookshop also accepts orders for other titles. Course 11. WRITTEN PROFICIENCY (5 credits)* Lennart Björk & Christine Räisänen, Academic
Writing: A University Writing Course (Studentlitteratur) Course 12. ORAL PROFICIENCY (2 credits)Copied materials will be provided. Course 13. GRAMMAR (4 credits)* Hudson, Paradis & Warren, Basic
English Grammar (Studentlitteratur) Recommended for self-instruction: General grammatical terminology is available on the department's homepage: www.hum.gu.se/~engwww/sv/projects/GrUp/index.html Course 14. PHONETICS (3 credits)* S. Johansson & G. Rönnerdal, English
Pronunciation: A Handbook (Studentlitteratur, latest edition) Course 15. MODERN ENGLISH LITERATURE (4 credits)* Willy Russell, Educating Rita
(New Longman) Course 16. CULTURAL STUDIES (2 credits)* Anders Breilid et al., American
Culture: An Anthology of Civilization Texts (Routledge) Examples of Reference Books(all available in the University of
Sussex bookshop): Further information concerning reference books is given at the beginning of term. |
Content by Ulf Dantanus - Designed by Noah Hearle - 12/10/01 |